great goodness your awsome you made this thing
ACTULLY shokin again. great job
great goodness your awsome you made this thing
ACTULLY shokin again. great job
You really should do a warning at the begginging though.. that could cause seisures.
To bad you traced everything in it...
the begining made me wana close it
you should have added at least a loading button to it so i could at least know somethings gonna show up...From then on its pretty good. You probally woulda made it look better if u did frame by framed the water the rest of it is pretty decent cant wait to see it done
its alright
This wasnt a game. Why did ya put it as one? It was a great flash though. But actually im starting to get burnt on sticks theres way to many and its making me sick. But anyways good job hope to see more. Maybe somthing without sticks
Joined on 6/24/04